I was thinking how much contribution do I make for my friends, and in a wider frame, for my society. How can I perfectly bring happiness to others?
Recently, I felt a tiny tickling bit of fear in my heart. I feared that my father was hopeful his little cute son is going to be an engineer. That my mother was hopeful I’ll spend more time with her, free of those miserable stressful times studying and studying and studying. While ago, I saw my school teacher, a bright man with bright thoughts. Interestingly, he was hopeful too! That his silent serene student is going to be a successful man. I was somehow afraid of making them disappointed, making their hope to nothing.
Hope is a dangerous thing. Many of my friends were killed by hope. To be more accurate, their ideas and ideals were assassinated. It ambushes somewhere in your heart, behind your supposed logical plans, pretending to be the last supportive backup in your falls, and deceiving you that your way is the best. But lastly, in the perfect moment, with a perfect timing, shows its dark side to you. Hope uncovers its razor-sharp claws and embeds them right through your chest just before your wide-eyed amazement. Then it leaves you with your pains all alone.
The fact is that, hope won’t work alone. In order to bring fortune, it needs a solid cooperation, a close collaboration with faith. I say, hope is a dangerous thing, unless you have faith in it. Then it arises as a fierce warrior, a brave knight, pushing aside all pains and agonies, accompanying you all the way down to your utopia.
Each one of us must hope to bring a huge change to the world, indeed a positive one, and believe in that hope. We have nothing to fear, if we have hope and faith together. May GOD bless us.
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